Get Started

Follow these steps to get ready to use the RadixAPI data service.

1. Create an account

Accounts on RadixAPI use the Radix native assets, meaning you do not need to register with email and password, but mint a profile badge instead.

Connect your Radix wallet, choose an account and create a profile. You will receive a badge in form of an NFT that you can use to authenticate with the API. This badge is transferable to other team members by simply sending it to their account.

2. Choose an API plan

We offer different payment plans for little or high usage of the data service.

Choose the one that fits your needs best and proceed to the payment. The badge you minted in step 1 will be used to assign your purchase to the right account. The payment will be processed in XRD via your connected Radix wallet.

When we verified the transaction, the balance will be credited automatically.

3. Receive your access token

Each account has a unique access token that is used to authenticate with the API.

You find your access token on the profile page. Check out the documentation to see how to use it.

4. Keep an eye on your balance

You find the remaining amount of credits as well as the validity time on your profile page.

You can easily purchase a new API plan upfront and we will activate it automatically when the old one expires.

Need help?

Check our How-To guide for more information.

If you have any questions left, feel free to contact us via email or telegram.

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